24 hours Post Op

So it's been just over 1 day since my knee was drilled, screwed and patellar cut to pieces 😬

Keeping up on the pain meds is a must. Every 4 hours on the dot I'm having 1 co-codamol and 1 Ibuprofen.
The pain is absolutely tolerable, as soon as it starts feeling a bit achey.. I get up walk to the bathroom and back... sit on my floor and do ankle pumps & straight leg raises.
I then stick the cryo-cuff on for 30 mins before settling back in bed with my foot elevated above my pelvis.

Obviously still ridiculously early into rehab. I'm thinking once I get a few days in and I can remove the bandages etc.. I will start seeing more room for flexion and hopefully disperse the swelling much better without the thick bandage blocking the cryo-cuff.

Nothing much else to write about, pretty boring atm but once you get into a routine, it does help break the day up/ keep your mind focussed.

Until tomorrow..

Nomis 💪🏻

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