Home now...
Seen the surgeon and all went v.well, no need for repairs of the meniscus which is absolutely brilliant 👍
Lying on my bed now.. All set up finally getting some food and more importantly a big cuppa tea 😅
The pain is definitely there but not as bad as I feared. I assume it will get worse once the nerve block wears off 🙈😒
Cryo-cuff is on and even through the bandages has immediately helped ease some of the dull aching pain.
I still have full quad activation and decent extension which is great.
Until tomorrow.. good night
Don't forget to hit the comment section up, love to hear your experiences, questions, tips etc 😉🤘
Seen the surgeon and all went v.well, no need for repairs of the meniscus which is absolutely brilliant 👍
Lying on my bed now.. All set up finally getting some food and more importantly a big cuppa tea 😅
The pain is definitely there but not as bad as I feared. I assume it will get worse once the nerve block wears off 🙈😒
Cryo-cuff is on and even through the bandages has immediately helped ease some of the dull aching pain.
I still have full quad activation and decent extension which is great.
Until tomorrow.. good night
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