Stitches Out!

Stitches were taken out this morning..
Literally took all of 10 seconds. apparently just the two end loops are cut off and the rest is left to dissolve inside the incision. 👀

I didn't bother posting anything yesterday as there was really nothing new to report.. Once I start my Physio appointments (Friday) I will update again but until then there isn't really much to write about to be honest! Quite boring this immediate post Op period.

Flexion is getting better, Extension is nailed on now...same as the 'good' side, which is brilliant. I can walk with no crutches but use one just incase I wobble and for stairs.

The swelling and bruising continues to subside, hopefully in another couple weeks it will be even more sparse, although I anticipate the knee will swell once I start some more intense exercises. Just what the Cryo-cuff is for.
I'd quite like to get on a bike soon, but guess that will be dependant on how the flexion is looking.. only issue is around my Vastus Lateralis, assuming its scar tissue from the arthroscope, hoping some massage will help break that up as its really the only thing stopping me from bending the knee further.

Honestly starting to get quite bored now just resting, exercising etc... less than 2 weeks in too!
oh dear 🙈

Teignmouth GC


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